
Слушать аудиокнигу: Мигуми. По ту сторону Вселенной / Мария Лунёва

Слушать аудиокнигу: Мигуми. По ту сторону Вселенной / Мария Лунёва

  • Жанр: Любовное фэнтези
  • Слушали: 0
  • Автор: Мария Лунёва
  • Длительность аудиокниги: 09:40:03
  • Озвучил: Елена Березина
"...- Don't you regret your daughter?" she asked her father, still studying my face as if trying to read something there. - No one will give her back to you. You're losing her forever. - You ask as if I brought her to the crematorium. She will learn and work for the state. What's there to regret?" the father dismissed. - You heard him, girl," she finally showed emotions, and her eyes gleamed with malice. - Remember this moment. What you're feeling now is called 'betrayal.' It's a vile, uncovered betrayal. It's forbidden among us. We are mígumi! We don't betray. We are avengers, judges, and defenders. You will become one of us. Now your name is 746. Remember this code, no one will address you differently. What's your name? - The woman's piercing eyes literally drilled into me, sending chills..."

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